In its first phase, MiKlip has made important research contributions and has developed an internationally competitive decadal climate prediction system. Building up on these results, the overarching goal for MiKlip II is to establish and improve the decadal climate prediction system that eventually can be transferred to the German meteorological service DWD for operational use. MiKlip II is funded by the German Ministry for Education and Research (BMBF) with about 13 Mio. € for three years of collaborative research and a fourth year focusing on the operational implementation of the prediction system. MiKlip II involves 16 national partners from universities, research institutions and federal agencies.
A comprehensive summary of decadal prediction in general, MiKlip and its subprojects in specific, and on a how decadal prediction system like MiKlip can be used as a tool to support the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals was presented as interactive content (PICO) at the European Geosciences Union General Assembly in April 2019.
A copy of this PICO is available for download here:
The seventh DWD newsletter on Decadal Climate Prediction has now been published by the project SUPPORT.
moreThe sixth DWD newsletter on Decadal Climate Prediction has now been published by the project SUPPORT.
moreThe fifth DWD newsletter on Decadal Climate Prediction has now been published by the project SUPPORT.
morePrimo, C. | Kelemen, F.D., Feldmann, H., Akhtar, N., Ahrens, B.
Höschel, I. | Illing, S., Grieger, J., Ulbrich, U., Cubasch, U.
Pohlmann, H. | Müller, W.A., Bittner, M., Hettrich, S., Modali, K., Pankatz, K., Marotzke, J.