The objective of Module C is to establish a regionalisation component to the MiKlip decadal prediction system. Downscaling ensembles are created and assessed with respect to the predictive skill and added value in specific target regions. During MiKlip the target regions Europe, Africa and Central America/North Atlantic were addressed using up to three regional climate models (COSMO-CLM, REMO and WRF) und several approaches regarding the downscaling techniques, process descriptions and initialization methods. For MiKlip II Module C focusses on the target region Europe and a single RCM, namely COSMO-CLM, for the regional prediction system. The goal is to improve and consolidate this system and provide robust estimates of its predictive skill.
To achieve this, the research has been grouped into three major objectives sub-divided into a total of eight work-packages with contributions from five institutions:
The focus here is on two main components of the regional climate system, which showed promising potential to improve process descriptions and predictability during the first phase of MiKlip:
Primo, C. | Kelemen, F.D., Feldmann, H., Akhtar, N., Ahrens, B.
Ehmele, F. | Kautz, L.-A., Feldmann, H., Pinto, J.G.
Akhtar, N. | Krug, A., Brauch, J., Arsouze, T., Dieterich, C., Ahrens, B.
Leps, N. | Brauch, J., Ahrens, B.
Kelemen, F.D. | Primo, C., Feldmann, H., Ahrens, B.
Feldmann, H. | Pinto, J.G., Laube, N., Uhlig, M., Moemken, J., Pasternack, A., Früh, B., Pohlmann, H., Kottmeier, C.
Laube, N.
Reyers, M. | Feldmann, H., Mieruch, S., Pinto, J. G., Uhlig, M., Ahrens, B., Früh, B., Modali, K., Laube, N., Moemken, J., Müller, W., Schädler, G., Kottmeier, C.
Institute for Meteorology and Climate Research (IMK-TRO), Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
Prof. Dr. Christoph Kottmeier
Institute for Meteorology and Climate Research (IMK-TRO), Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
Hendrik Feldmann